
Thanks, Jeffrey, I can’t stop thinking of the phrase that came to me when I was responding to another reader, “putting them away”. That’s exactly what we do. Very little, if any, healing ever takes place.

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Wham! Devastating.

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May 26Liked by Deirdre Lewis

Total tangent, but: So I know that "Orange Is the New Black" is black comedy, it's TV, it's this it's that, but it's the first prison show I could stomach ("Oz" was too much) and I just can't stand that so many people in our country are dehumanized like this - even if only 10% of it is true, it's an atrocity.

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Are Civil Rights still a thing…? One wonders….

This has the sort of punch to the gut I get when I see my students arrive at school in filthy clothes and unwashed because mum/dad just don’t give a shit!

I hope you never get used to those body-cams too Deirdre and I really really wish I could be in LA for your readings.. which is about as higher compliment I can pay because I don’t do cities!

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Compliment received! Thank you Susie.

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A grim story. A human one. With so many things, both in your thoughtful words and also permeating some of the hidden spaces between the lines. Many years ago, doing research for a screenwriting assignment, I spent half a day visiting a high security penitentiary in my adopted home state of Oregon, where the most violent ‘offenders’ were housed, a truly sad and terrible place. Your post revived some old memories. Thank you for sharing it, and in such a compelling way.

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Thank you for that. I think about this particular caller a lot because he had been “put away” (what an expression!) for being a drug addict. It is grim, that’s true, the grimmest parts when you see the moments of beauty and sweetness despite everything.

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May 25Liked by Deirdre Lewis

Not being able to help someone is soul crushing, but his last words, oh man, to be in jail for such a long time and feel that the injustice of it all is not a big issue, I guess it’s what one needs to do to not go mad, right?

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May 25Liked by Deirdre Lewis

Heart break

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One thing we seem to have got used to is locking up hundreds of thousands of people every year, as if it's a natural state of affairs. As if humanity has always done this. As if we're incapable of finding or even imagining a better way. Thank you for a powerful and compassionate piece of writing.

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